Friday, April 11, 2014

Finals of World Cup 2022nd plays in town that does not exist yet!?

Finals of World Cup 2022nd plays in town that does not exist yet!?
Sepp Blatter wished that the World Cup 2022nd play - Qatar. No, of course, for the purpose of popularizing football but solely for the benefit of their own wallets or organization whose head of

Basically, the championship should be to open and close in Lusail. Otherwise, the city should be 15 kilometers north of Doha, just next to the western lagoon known as the Al Qutaifiya, and they shall inherit the marina, elite areas, luxury shopping centers, golf courses and neighborhood intended solely for fun. Iconic Stadium will probably be cooled by solar energy, filtered carbon from the air, keep the temperature at comfortable +27 degrees Celsius and receive 86,250 visitors. It will be surrounded by a luminescent reflective pools, and the average user/journalist/fan will have to go through six, probably floating, bridges to get to their places.

So, the World Cup 2022 finals would be played in a place that still exists only in the designs of the British architectural firm Foster + Partners (restored, among other things, the building of the German Parliament), which is got through the job of government for investing in real estate.

Another indicator of genius Blatter decisions... How Much Will Cost this futuristic Lusail? Approximately 45 billion dollars! Overall, Qatar will spend $ 220 billion on the organization of the World Cup, and South Africa, for example, spent a "slightly" less. Paltry threeand the half billion of the same currency... Upon completion, the stadium's capacity will be reduced to 20,000 of which will fill the hosts who want quality local football, and probably will be used for concerts and large of the local stars Badr Al Rayes, Al Mansoura Mohanadi and many other globally popular musicians.

World Cup in Brazil for two months, and some stadiums are not yet completed. Which is not such a problem... For Sao Paulo there unlike Lusaila! Petrodollars for the Arabs are not the problem, they might actually build an entire city until 2022, as they planned.

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